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How to Make Payal’s Special Chicken Stock & Vegetable Cream Soup | Soup Recipes | Keto Diet Recipes

This Recipe, I can proudly say, is my Invention and experiment. This is one of the easiest and the most healthy soup recipe. It is also good for people who are on Keto Diet. This soup uses Ginger Garlic Chicken Stock, Butter, fresh cream and a bare minimum of vegetables like onion & capsicum. Even the spices used are easily available at home i.e. salt, black pepper powder, oregano mix & garlic. You can also add vegetables of your choice like mushrooms, beans, carrots etc. It is almost a 5 minute recipe & is very easy to cook.

The keto recipe not only tastes amazing but is also filling at the same time. A little while ago my husband and I were on a keto diet plan and being on this diet you have limited food choices. To keep the tempo going and to meet his demands, I experimented with the ingredients at home and I came up with this soup. It is now my husband’s favorite soup.

So whether you are on a diet or not, you would love this soup.


Click here to play the YouTube Video Recipe for Payal’s Special Chicken Stock & Vegetable Cream Soup.

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Payal’s Special Chicken Stock & Vegetable Cream Soup Recipe
This is an original invention and contrition to the soup world by Chef Payal. Follow this Step-By-Step guide to make this soup in the comfort of your kitchen.
Chicken Stock & Vegetable Cream Soup Alt Image
Course Soups
Prep Time 5 Minutes
Cook Time 15 Minutes
Course Soups
Prep Time 5 Minutes
Cook Time 15 Minutes
Chicken Stock & Vegetable Cream Soup Alt Image
  1. Heat 2 Tbsp. Salted Butter in a pan. Do not overheat the butter.
  2. Add 4 Pcs of Finely Crushed Garlic Cloves when the butter starts to melt. Saute the garlic for 5 to 10 seconds.
  3. After sautéing garlic add 1 finely chopped onion. Saute the onion with garlic for another 10 seconds.
  4. After sautéing onions, add ½ pcs finely chopped capsicum. Mix well & cook capsicum for 10 to 15 seconds. At this point you can add finely chopped vegetables of your choice.
  5. After sautéing onions & capsicum, add ½ Tsp. Salt & mix well.
  6. After salt, add ½ Tsp. Black Pepper Powder / Kali Mirch Powder & mix well.
  7. Finally add 1 Tsp. Oregano Mix. Mix the Spices with onion and capsicum and saute for 10 to 15 seconds.
  8. After sautéing onion and capsicum with the spices add 2 cups of Ginger Garlic Chicken Stock. Mix well and let it come to a boil.
  9. When the chicken stock and vegetables come to a boil add 4 Tbsp. Fresh Cream. Mix the cream with chicken stock and vegetables.
  10. After mixing the cream, cover and cook the soup on low flame for 5 to 10 minutes.
  11. After cooking for 10 Minutes, turn the flame off and dish out the soup in soup bowls.
  12. Garnish with oregano or Italian seasoning. Serve with garlic bread, soup sticks or bread croutons.
Recipe Notes

Contact Chef: Payal Jethani

Check Out: Ginger Garlic Chicken Stock Recipe.

Tips: It is an all-weather soup and especially good during flu or fever. It is an amazing low card and keto diet recipe.

Goes well with: Garlic Bread, Soup Sticks & bread Croutons. Consume without any bread for keto diet.



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