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Coronavirus in India | 29 Confirmed cases of Infection

Coronavirus in India Latest News | The number of people infected from the deadly Coronavirus has risen to 29 after an Italy-returned Paytm Employee from Gurugram (Haryana) tested positive for the novel Coronavirus infection.

29 confirmed cases in India

Yesterday, 6 members of a family from Agra tested positive of coronavirus signs and symptoms. The novel 6 victims are the relatives of the Delhi-based man, who was tested positive for infection. The Delhi patient infected his relatives after he visited them in Agra.

Other confirmed cases of Coronavirus infection have been reported from Telangana (1) & Jaipur (17). The person from Telangana has a travel history from Dubai, while the patients in Jaipur are 16 Italian tourists & their Indian driver. 3 cases were reported from Kerala; however they were discharged after recovering.

Union Health Minister of India, Harsh Vardhan, announced the figures of confirmed cases of Coronavirus infection earlier today. He further stated that henceforth, all the international passengers arriving at airports would be meticulously screened.

Yesterday India’s Ministry of Health announced e-visa restrictions to the nationals of 4 countries namely – Italy, Iran, Japan & South Korea. Entry in India will also be restricted to all the foreign nationals who have a travel history to China, Iran, Italy, South Korea & Japan from February 1.

Ministry of Health India

The government has also directed hospitals nation-wide to stay prepared for more cases of infection, both confirmed & suspected.

Union Minister of India, Prakash Javedakar addressed the concerns over Coronavirus in India & said that wearing masks in not enough. People must take other precautionary measures such as keeping the hands clean, avoiding going to public places & shaking hands.

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Coronavirus in India | State-wise Update

In Gujarat, over 1500 people were kept under observation after returning from Coronavirus-infected countries. Gujarat Health Department today announced that none of the suspected people have been found infected with the Coronavirus so far.

In Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal confirmed that 88 people who came in contact with the Delhi-based man are being screened. In addition to that, Delhi Municipal Corporations are striving to get in contact & screen tourists from the 4 most infected countries.

Rajasthan Health Minister, Raghu Sharma stated yesterday that around 215 people came in contact with the infected 21 Italian tourists while they visited various places of interest in the state.

93 Swab samples were collected. While 51 suspected patients tested negative, reports of rest of the patients are yet to come.

Around 1000 people are under home quarantine in Tamil Nadu, where they are being monitored by the state public health system & community health workers. However, no suspected cases of Coronavirus infection has been admitted in any state hospital.

Foreigners Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak in India

In Telangana, two more cases of high viral were reported earlier today, making the total 25 cases till date.

Myriad of offices in Raheja Mindspace Tech Park, Hyderabad have been evacuated. The decision was taken after an employee was suspected of being infected with coronavirus.

In the Karnataka Capital, Bengaluru 5 suspected people were kept in the isolation ward of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases. Fortunately, all of the suspected patients have been tested negative for Coronavirus Infection.

Both Hyderabad & Bengaluru are observing an alarming rise in the demand for masks. Myriad of shops have hiked the prices of medical supplies such as surgical masks & respiratory masks.

A latest Coronavirus update from Haryana state of India states around 986 people with travel history from the affected countries have been kept under observation. These people belong to districts such as Ambala, Faridabad, Gurugram, Hisar, Sirsa, Panchkula, Rohtak, Karnal & Kaithal.

Coronavirus Update from Around the World

As the deadly respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak has swept across the globe, nearly 93,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection and 3,164 causalities have been reported by the WHO in over 67 countries.

While coronavirus infections are receding in China with new 31 fatalities reported today, Iran has risen as the new epicenter of Coronavirus. As per the latest update, 107 people have succumbed to this deadly virus, while 3,089 have been rendered infected.

PM Modi will not celebrate Holi

Countries such as Andorra, Armenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Iceland, Morocco, Ukraine & Indonesia, Argentina & Chile recently reported first confirmed case of infection.

WHO has warned of the global shortage of the medical equipment, citing the deadly Coronavirus Pandemic. Companies & Governments have been asked to increase the production of medical equipment by 40%.

Amit Shah on Coronavirus

The WHO chief said that though the death rate of the confirmed cases of infection is around 3-4%, the virus can be contained.

With the rise of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in India, leaders such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah & Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announced not to celebrate & participate in Holi Milan Celebration this year.



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