WhatsApp’s earlier version 2.19.82 faced some barriers with users forwarding fabricated texts in order to mock generic crowd. To overcome this stumbling block, the cross-platform messaging giant inducted WhatsApp Beta version 2.19.82 that entrusted users with a ‘forwarded’ tag on a frequently sent messages. This version lacked a key feature of “ WhatsApp forwarding info ” that spotted the version as incapacitated.
Hence, an updated WhatsApp beta version 2.19.87 will penetrate the market soon and will be available on android play store. This Whatsapp Android update is inclusive of WhatsApp dark mode for android devices and WhatsApp forwarding info. The former is a UI based change and the latter one allows users to access the message information by long pressing it and tapping on the icon (a circle engulfing “i”).
Dark theme
WhatsApp dark mode for android takes this feature to a whole new level and is applicable in every UI fragment of the application. This implies that the color scheme will be imparted on the profile section as well. The moment this feature will be enabled, the theme option will be available on the status bar. According to the sources, “request account info” and “two-step authentication section” are amongst the few parts of the application deprived of the ‘dark theme’.
WhatsApp forwarding info
WhatsApp forwarding info informs the user about the frequency with which the message has been forwarded. The perk behind this feature is that the information can only be extracted by the user who has forwarded that message. However, users who receive a forwarded message will not be able to check the information in regards to the forwarded message. In addition to this, the ‘forwarded’ tag is most likely to be removed from the latest beta version of the WhatsApp update.
Aforesaid information can only be assured after the usage of the latest WhatsApp update for android devices.
Waiting for the dark mode!!! Really helps at night and reduces stain on the eyes