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Oops! Trump did it again!

Always Mr. Right – Donald Trump’s dream bubble fantasy makes him believe he hasn’t done anything wrong.Hush Money payments

Allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections & possible collusion with Trump’s campaign have besieged Washington & ushered in multiple investigations. Modus Operandi into the campaign has stemmed in another case that accuses the President of hush money payments.

The current president of United States was recently indicted by Federal prosecutors to direct illegal payments during the 2016 campaign to two women to zip their lips who alleged they had affairs with the President.

Under US federal campaign finance laws, expenditure on election campaigns must be disclosed to the election committee. Also, companies and individuals are barred from contributing more than $2,700 to a federal candidate.

In order to ward off the potential sex scandal that threatened Donald Trump’s prospects of winning the White House in 2016, Michael Cohen, his long time personal and business attorney alleged to have been directed by Mr. trump to make illegal payments of around $150,000 to former Playboy model Karen McDougal & up to $130,000 Adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, who goes by the stage name Stormy Daniels.Hush Money Payments

Cohen is indicted to have coordinated with one or more members of the trump campaign to conceal any information that would have harmed Trump’s image in the public during 2016 election cycle.

Donald Trump on Monday sought to downplay the felony arguing that Cohen’s hush money payments on his behalf were a mere ‘simple private transaction’ rather than a breach of campaign financing law.

He further shifted all blames on Cohen declaring that in case the payments are misconstrued, it would amount to a CIVIL CASE where it is the sole responsibility of the lawyer to get things correctly done, failing which Lawyer should be held accountable and not him.Cohen pleads guilty for hush money payments

US representative Jerrold Nadler, who will lead the Judiciary Committee when Democrats take control of the House of Representatives next month, revealed that if the payments were found to violate the Campaign finance laws, it would be an impeachable offence and could lead to Trump’s imprisonment.

In a separate filing on Friday, Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort was accused of denying any contacts with Russian intelligence or any alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion with Trump’s campaign.  The allegation is an add-on to an already substantial case that claims to have Russian influence on 2016 election to sway votes in Trump’s favor.




Mr. Cohen’s character is constantly under radar for repeated misuse of his powers and influence for deceptive ends.  The prosecutors in New York mounted a scathing attack on Mr. Cohen & rejected his plea to avoid a prison term.

Cohen is set to be sentenced today for his felonies during 2016 election cycle and is expected to serve “substantial” prison time of nearly four years despite his cooperation.

What’s next for Trump isn’t clear. Legal experts are divided over whether a sitting president can be convicted & charged with a crime.

Also there are second thoughts about whether a violation of campaign finance law would be deemed as an impeachable offence.



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